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The Power IS US!


By Ivy Algazy, CEO The Ivy Network, LLC.

This year’s Collaborate with Edge Leadership Conference theme is the Power is Us #ThePowerisUs.  When we decided on that theme, I never thought how meaningful and compelling a theme it would be. In our time of crisis, this is exactly what we need.  We need to be reminded that the power is us.  We have the power to get through such troubling times.  If you think the Corona Virus has the power, take it back! And remember… The Power is Us!

Over 10 years ago I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer and felt lost, vulnerable and powerless.  I felt that I no longer had the control, that cancer was in control.  In the last few weeks, this same feeling came back to me. That’s what reminded me of a blog I wrote back as a cancer patient about taking back control.  You might be feeling that the Corona Virus is in control, however, there is a way to control this new normal. It is all about how you react. Your response is your control.

Here are some ways to take back your power and Make Virtual Lemonade

Connections: Family and friend time has never been so precious. We joke a lot about the stress of staying at home with family and being confined. I’ve heard so many positive comments about the parents who are now having dinner every night with their children, it seems that pre-Corona there was never enough time for family dinner. My family held a zoom chat which brought us together to laugh a little. I’ve held virtual Happy Hours with friends to keep connected.  With so much time on your hands, connect with those long-lost friends.

Kitchen-time: Making literal lemonade, baking and cooking has come back not only as a necessity, but also to keep busy. With stocked fridges and kitchens, take time to learn a new recipe, share it with a friend, teach your children, make a video and post. The kitchen is the center of a home.  For those who are homeschooling, remember, cooking is science and can become a lesson for your kids.

Social Media: I’ve learned about Tik Tok, cleaned up my Face Book, started using Instagram more.  Isolation makes us feel lost. These are all great ways to keep connected and learn a new skill. If you are not social media savvy, now is a perfect time to learn. It is fun to post a question or thought and see who and how people answer.  Keep it light and fun. I’ve seen some very creative, entertaining and quite funny postings.

Business: We are all finding ways to be more creative on how to do business not as usual. It is important to stay relevant and add value to each other. Zoom and skype have been helping us hold virtual meetings, classes and programs. Technology has shown us new ways to network and keep the connection. Write an article on LinkedIn, share and post.  Become the subject matter expert everyone wants to turn to.

And if you have lost your job, post your talent, maybe freelance. If you have a job to offer, POST IT! Many have been laid off from their jobs, post about it on social media, your connections might be able to help. It is not the time to be embarrassed by this, take the control. Let others know what you are looking for and what your special skills are.

Shift Your Mindset: It’s easy to get stuck in a comfort zone. Now is the time to step out of your comfort zone and try something new. It’s also easy to get stuck in Pity Parties. I learned how to have personal pity parties when I was going through cancer treatment.  I had lots of “woe is me” times, but quickly realized that spending too much time at this party was not helpful to my overall well-being. The 3 Pity Party Rules: 1. Allow yourself to go to those dark places, 2. Party length could be no more than 15 minutes, 3. Pull yourself out, put on your big girl (boy) panties and get back to living.  Life is for living, take control back and live it to the best you can.

You make the rules, don’t let the situation rule you.  The power is us!

Let me know, what steps will you take to take back control?

Ivy Algazy, CEO The Ivy Network, LLC.


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